Join us

Thanks for your interest in our group! Why not consider joining the team? We are seeking students (at all levels) with strong quantitative backgrounds (computer science, mathematics, physics, …). You should be interested in working at the intersection of different fields and feel comfortable about writing code.

Since the group is still starting to establish itself, you have the unique opportunity to truly shape and influence things here.

We are not interested in ’leader-board science’ or ‘chasing the state-of-the-art’ in a table. That is not to say that we are not interested in producing relevant methods! Our overarching goal is to produce excellent science using methods whose performance we can explain and understand. This necessitates comprehensive comparisons with other methods, ablation studies, and many additional tricks to figure out what is going on. If this sounds enticing to you, we would love to hear from you!

To learn more about our working style, see this note for potential student collaborators.

Bachelor’s and master’s theses

If you are interested in writing your thesis with us, please send your CV, your transcript of records, and a brief cover letter stating your research interests to Your cover letter should provide answers to the following questions:

  1. Are there any research papers of the group that pique your interest specifically? (You do not have to be an expert in the topic yet, of course!)

  2. Are you more comfortable working empirically, i.e. lots of implementations, experiments, and so on, or working theoretically, i.e. lots of proofs, derivations, and more?

  3. When would you be available for working on the thesis?

Ph.D. positions

If you are interested in working with us and have a background in mathematics, computer science, physics, or a general penchant for computational methods, please send your CV and a brief letter of motivation to for general inquiries on Ph.D. positions.

Research visits

If you are interested in a short-term research opportunity, such as a research visit over the summer, please reach out to We are particularly interested in stays that may result in long-term collaborations.