- class scott.topology.representations.PersistenceDiagram(homology_dims=[0, 1])[source]¶
A wrapper object for the data housed in a persistence diagram for the specified homology dimensions. Main attribute (persistence_points) is a Dict[int, np.array] that maps a homology dimension key to a np.array that contains (birth,death) tuples for all the persistence pairs.
- homology_dims¶
Dimensions of the homology groups to compute (e.g., [0, 1] for H_0 and H_1).
- Type:
List[int], default=[0, 1]
- _persistence_points¶
A dictionary that maps the homology dimension to a np.array of its persistence pairs. Each np.array contains tuples of (birth, death) values for each persistence pair. Note that the attribute homology_dims must be a subset of the list of keys (hom. dims.) in this dictionary. Initialized to None, set using setter method.
- Type:
None or Dict[int, np.array]
- property persistence_pts: Dict[int, array]¶
Get the PersistenceDiagram’s dictionary of persistence points. :returns: A dictionary that maps np.arrays of persistence point tuples (values) to each homology dimenion (key). Will return None if persistence_pts have not yet been set. :rtype: Dict[int,np.array]
- class scott.topology.representations.PersistenceImage(homology_dims=[0, 1], bandwidth=1.0, weight=<function PersistenceImage.<lambda>>, resolution=[20, 20])[source]¶
A wrapper object for the data housed in the image vectorization of a persistence diagram.
- homology_dims¶
Dimensions of the homology groups to compute (e.g., [0, 1] for H_0 and H_1).
- Type:
List[int], default=[0, 1]
- bandwidth¶
Controls the Gaussian kernel for the probability distribution calculated for each point on the birth/persistence diagram. See gudhi documentation for more information.
- Type:
double, default = 1.0
- weight¶
Defines the weight function used to compute the weighted sum of the probability distributions for each point on the bith/persistence diagram, i.e. the persistence surface. Default is a constant function. Other common choices are a linear function or a bump function, which put greater emphasis on points with longer persistence. See gudhi documentation for more information.
- Type:
function, default = lambda x: 1
- resolution¶
The dimensions of the persistence image in pixels.
- Type:
List[int, int], default = [20,20]
- _pixels¶
A dictionary that maps each homology dimension to its persistence image in the form of a np.array. Each np.array has shape (resolution[0] * resolution[1], 1), and contains the values of the persistence surface at each pixel. Initialized to None, set using setter method.
- Type:
Dict[int, np.array]
- __init__(homology_dims=[0, 1], bandwidth=1.0, weight=<function PersistenceImage.<lambda>>, resolution=[20, 20])[source]¶
Initializes an object of the PersistenceImage class.
- property pixels: Dict[int, array]¶
Getter for the dictionary of persistence images.
- class scott.topology.representations.PersistenceLandscape(homology_dims=[0, 1], num_functions=5, resolution=1000)[source]¶
A wrapper object for the data housed in a persistence landscape for the specified homology dimensions.
- homology_dims¶
Dimensions of the homology groups to compute (e.g., [0, 1] for H_0 and H_1).
- Type:
List[int], default=[0, 1]
- num_functions¶
The number of landscape functions to compute for each homology dimension. These are usually denoted lambda_1, lambda_2, …, lambda_{num_functions}. Recall that for each successive landscape function, the values of the highest peak function at each x-value is removed from consideration.
- Type:
int, default=5
- resolution¶
Determines the number of samples for the piece-wise landscape functions (i.e. how many points are calculated).
- Type:
int, default = 1000
- _functions¶
A dictionary that maps the homology dimension to a np.array of its landscape functions. Each np.array contains {num_functions * resolution} floats, which are the {resolution} number of samples for all {num_functions} landscape functions concatenated together. Initialized to None, set using setter method.
- Type:
Dict[int, np.array]
- __init__(homology_dims=[0, 1], num_functions=5, resolution=1000)[source]¶
Initializes an object of the PersistenceDiagram class.
- property functions: Dict[int, array]¶
Getter for the complete dictionary of landscape functions.